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Sex Toys India: Benefits of having sex with the socks on

Sexy, what is said sexy, is not. In fact, leaving the socks on while we have sex, it is not precisely the best aphrodisiac. However, we show you some (scientific) reasons that will change your mind. And, although it seems a lie, it seems that staying as God brought us to the world, leaving as the only garment the socks can facilitate orgasms. In this post we have compiled the conclusions of some of the studies that ensure that having warm feet offers us certain guarantees of reaching where to buy sex toys in india page.

How To Buy Sex Toys In India: Sex in summer or winter?

From the point of view of sexual excitement, winter is not the season of the year that most sexy. As it seems, the drop in temperatures also drops the libido. On the contrary, in summer, sexual desire triggers. The motives? Surely, the main ones are the rise in temperatures, the increase in free time and, of course, the fact that we wear less clothes. This statement is not a simple intuition, science says so. According to a study by Bayer laboratories in 2016, only 33% of women prefer winter to enjoy their carnal relationships, while 54% would highlight the summer period as the favorite time of the year to have sex.

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Where To Buy Sex Toys In India: Why is sex better with socks?

The answer is simpler than you imagine. What do you do when you feel cold? Do you open up? Of course! Well, this is what experts advise: to wear clothing that give us heat. Now, the question is, what does this have to do with orgasms? Let's look at the science's answer to this question ... The prestigious scientific journal Nature published a study conducted by Swiss researchers in which it was demonstrated that the use of accessories such as socks not only helps improve the quality and quantity of sleep, it also improves our sexual life. How do the Swiss get to this conclusion? Well, this is the explanation they contribute: to achieve orgasm, among other things, it is a sine qua non condition, being physically relaxed and feeling completely comfortable. From there, not being cold is a plus that helps reach the climax. In fact, in a way it is like creating a propitious scenario. Place erotic candles or turn on a bars of incense are usually very effective. Part of the “Pro Orgasm” award is undoubtedly erotic lingerie or costumes. A scientific study, in this case carried out by the University of Groningen, verified a few years ago to leave the socks during intercourse substantially increases the possibilities of reaching the climax. After analyzing the quality of the sexual encounters of a group of couples, it was found that, while the percentage of couples that regularly reached ecstasy without socks stood at 50%, that of those who left it ascended up to 80% . One of the most interesting conclusions reached by Dutch neuroscientists is that, in terms of pleasure, it is women who report a greater difference between maintaining relationships with and without socks. As they could observe, when the women have hot feet, the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex, areas responsible for controlling fear or alert to danger, they calm down, thus fostering the arrival to orgasm.

Are Sex Toys Available In India: Colder, less sexual desire

Let us deepen a little more in the possible relationship between the cold (not carrying socks) and the heat (bring the socks on). According to science, there is a basic medical principle that says that when the body temperature is reduced, blood flow decreases. This also says that when the descent is accused, the blood vessels narrow themselves preventing the correct irrigation of some areas of the body such as the genitals, thus making the arrival of orgasm difficult. As stated by researcher Gert Holstege, leader of the Dutch project, when our feet are at a warm temperature we maintain the self -regulation of our body and, thus, the blood directly irrigates the clitoris and the male genitals. That is the reason why the rate of those who reach orgasm with their feet covered is remarkably superior to that presented by those who carry them without covering. Mystery resolved! In addition, in the same line of scientific explanation, taking into account that it is the brain that, when the excitation begins, is responsible for sending blood to the sexual organs, if this is not 100% in what should be during the Sexual act, worrying, for example, the temperature of the feet, the options of enjoying full sexual relations significantly diminish.

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